A 28 Day Guide To Renewing Your Ecological Attachment
A 28 Day Guide To Renewing Your Ecological Attachment
Eco Attachment Dance is part of the Evolved Nest Initiative (EvolvedNest.org), a web resource to help individuals, families, and communities nest or re-nest themselves.
The Eco Attachment Dance was inspired by the successful experiment that Dr. Darcia Narvaez and her students performed. Read the study below.
Eco Attachment Dance aims to help human beings reengage their connection to the natural world. We believe a restored natured connection supports a Wisdom-based, Wellness-informed Society.
Take up the Eco Attachment Dance! See the individual graphics below to download and share!
You, your children, your family are invited to discover ways to connect with nature, renew your ecological attachment, and restore your living connection to the Earth.
Dr. Darcia Narvaez and her students conducted an experiment to increase ecological attachment—nature connection—through small daily practices. Each day participants practiced one activity that increased attention to and being grateful for the natural world. See here for the press release about the study, published in EcoPsychology.
Take up the Eco Attachment Dance to expand your own ecological attachment. Each day for 28 days the Eco Attachment Dance cards prompt and activity for you to practice that day. Each activity takes about 5 minutes (though you can go longer).
If you would like to take the anonymous pretest (and later a posttest) you can see how your attitudes and behaviors change after participating in the Eco Attachment Dance.
Dr. Darcia Narvaez welcomes you to the Eco Attachment Dance and shares the whys and hows of restoring our connection to Nature!
1. Take the pretest to find out your nature connection before the 28 day eco attachment dance. (Tests are anonymous.)
2. Follow the Eco Attachment Dance on Instagram or Facebook. Or use the prompts below.
3. Enjoy 28 days of prompts to restore and renew your nature empathy and connection.
4. When you complete your 28 day Eco Attachment Dance, you can take a posttest and determine if your nature connection increased, along with your health!
5. You can learn more at the social media sites below about The Evolved Nest and nature connection.
Read Darcia Darvaez's posts and podcasts on Kindred Media here.
The Evolved Nest is an initiative of the award-winning nonprofit, Kindred World, and founded by Darcia Narvaez, Read Kindred World's extensive five-star reviews from professionals, parents, thought-leaders, book authors and activists on our Great Nonprofit's website here. Contribute your tax-deductible donation below.
Follow Darcia Narvaez's work on Kindred and the Evolved Nest. Choose one or both newsletter subscriptions:
Kindred Media: Monthly e-zine highlighting the previous month's posts, podcasts, and interviews
The Evolved Nest: Monthly newsletter featuring the latest science, research papers, and presentations